So even though I have no idea what type of content I’ll put on this site or if anyone will even come to see it, I’ve decided to stake my claim on the vast ocean of the world wide web. I used to have a LiveJournal back in the day (which I actually tried to find, but can’t remember my user name) and I’d post all of my thoughts and musings of the day. I imagine this will likely serve in a similar capacity.
Did anyone else have a LiveJournal? I remember some people (specifically girls) using it to “secretly” put other people on blast that they knew would read it or knew would be told about it. Like a girl would write a whole story with the theme of “I hate when skanky girls think it’s funny to keep calling my boyfriend.” The stories would be elaborate and extremely detailed so that it only applied to one specific situation, but they would omit the names in an attempt to stay “classy”. Ah the good old days…
I can promise that you’ll find my site to be a drama-free zone and hope you will find that my writing has some value.
Nevertheless, if you’re reading this, it means you cared enough to stop by and for that, I thank you. If you never come back, just know that you will be missed.
I Remain,
Steve Khoe